Life In General

Our Charlie Brown Tree – Merry Christmas



So, before you go making fun of our tree, let me walk you through how we ended up with the tree we have.

I happen to really like fake trees. There’s no pokey pine needles to walk on, you can light a pine candle and it smells the same, and it’s easy to get rid of.

Andy really likes real trees. He loves the smell, going to go pick it out, and making an experience of it. He also wanted a tree as tall as him, which if you know Andy, you know it would have towered over me.

So we made lists on why we should or shouldn’t get a real tree, my list:



Andy’s list (you also have to understand that the “illegal candle” comment refers to not being allowed to light candles in our apartment):



So, you see, we were at a stand still. We couldn’t agree and up until a week and a half before Christmas, we still had no tree to speak of. I tried to compromise, saying he could get a real tree… if it was one of the miniature potted plant trees. He said no.

So the other day he sends me a picture of him holding a tree. So I agreed. I mean, I kind of agreed. He brought it home. And we decorated it.



Ok, kind of decorated it. Turns out we didn’t have enough lights. But I’m not going to lie. I kind of like the tree. And I’m not even mad that we only had one string of lights. Even though it’s a little dumpy, like a Charlie Brown Tree, but it’s our tree. And I really love it.

If you’ve got your own trees, share them with us. Happy Holidays!!

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1 Comment

  • Reply Gloria December 21, 2014 at 12:11 pm

    Just run the lights up and down the front of the tree….no need to decorate the back 🙂

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