Fitness, Life In General

Resolutions 2014

New year, new me. Or at least that’s what I tell myself every January. Last year, I made a ton of changes from making new friends and letting old relationships go, to losing 25 pounds and running 365 miles in 2013. (Yes, I completed it! Woot!) I ran four 5Ks, worked harder on my blog than I have in the past, and spent months working on a 50th anniversary book for my grandparents. I’ve found myself in the last year and I couldn’t have done it without the amazing support system that I have of friends and family. There are so many new and exciting things on the horizon and I can’t wait to make 2014 an even better year than 2013.

As for resolutions, I’m still figuring that out, but this is what I have so far:

Get Fit
No, not just lose weight. I mean continuing my lifestyle change from last year, but committing to the gym more, eating better all the time, and meal planning for the week.

Design My Butt Off
Like the holiday card I mailed this year to the greeting cards I have designed, I really want to expand that this year. Anything from Save-The-Dates and baby announcements to greeting cards.

A big one for me. I want to be more understanding of others this year. Life has thrown a lot of curve balls at me this year, and I need patience to get me through it. I’m not sure if that means rereading The Secret or journaling again, but  either way, I want to be less stressed out and I think this is the key.

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