Food, Sweet

Recipe: Basic Pie Crust

I am notorious for taking short cuts, but when it comes to making pie, I don’t like to cut corners with making a basic pie crust. For me, it just tastes better, and making pie crust from scratch can be scary. However, I’ve learned that a little patience and a willingness to adjust as you go can go a long way. Don’t be scared if it gets too dry or wet, you can always adjust with a little flour or water.

Basic Pie Crust Recipe

2 1/2 cups of flour
a pinch of salt
1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup shortening
cold water

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. (I often forget to do this first, and then wait a lengthy time for my gas stove to get ready.)

Place the flour and salt in a bowl, add the shortening and butter.

By hand (yes, you will get messy), mix in the shortening and butter until it looks like little pebbles. Then slowly add a tablespoon of cold water (one at a time), until while mixing you’ve got yourself a ball of dough.

If you want thick dough, keep as is, or be like me, mess up, and forget to do so. Place ball between two pieces of wax paper and roll out.

Place into the pie pan, pinching the edge of the crust to make an edge. Poke the bottom with a fork. For the first 10 minutes, bake with aluminum foil on top to keep it covered. I used a cookie sheet.

Bake uncovered for 15 more minutes (or if its thick, another 20). Test it to make sure it’s done. Let it cool before putting anything in it. I like to make a pudding pie for it. But that’s for another post. I survived the crust, isn’t that enough for right now?

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