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Life In General

Happy Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine’s Day, my loves! No one ever said you couldn’t be silly on a day like today. So I’m sharing a little love. No matter if you’re with someone or single, just got into a relationship or just out of one, take today to spread the love. It comes in all shapes and sizes.

For instance, this morning, I found myself on the welcome end of a chain of Pay It Forward do-gooders at Starbucks. And you bet your dollar that when the person in front of me paid for my coffee, I did the exact same thing for the person behind me, even though it cost me a few extra bucks. I hope it made their day just a little bit brighter.

And if you’re looking for something else to cheer you up, check out my Pinterest board. Might find something inspirational or something sweet (like Heart Cinnamon Rolls). Yay!
