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Everproven Crossfit 6.10.15

I feel like I’ve been deceived. When I looked at today’s WOD, I thought it was going to be a piece of cake. What’s some wall balls, Russian Kettle Bell Swings, and a few short runs at 7:30 p.m.? Well, I was wrong, so wrong. Arms, legs, knees, thighs, shoulders, it all hurts. Good hurts, but hurts.

I did learn something today, though.l I’m not giving up as quickly as I used to during workouts. When everyone else was a whole round ahead of me, I kept going. One, because I didn’t want to look like a failure; 2, because every time I passed someone on the run, they were encouraging me.

But that’s one of the best things about Everproven, unlike Planet Fitness or one of those gyms where it’s just fitness equipment in a room, I have someone else there to encourage me. When I go running at home, I’ll short myself a workout because no one is watching or give up because I don’t have anyone else there to keep me motivated.

Yes, I was at the end of the group, but on the bright side, I did finish before the 20 minute time cap. I finished last, but I still finished before the time cap.

Everproven WOD 6.10.15


6 min AMRAP
Grab a partner and a Wall Ball
Clock starts and 1 partner begins to do wall balls. When the partner doing wall balls is ready, they switch out with their partner. If the wall ball hits the ground, both partners do 8 burpees.


Joint Mobility/Group Stretch x 6 min


Review SDLHP with unloaded bar OR KB


Review the common fault of over extension in the SDLHP


EMOM x 12
Odd: 5 SDLHP*
Even: 8 Bar Roll Outs
* Athlete chooses weight of barbell or KB, but coaches will scale if technique breaks down


4 Rounds For time under a 20 min cap
15 Russian KB Swings 32kg/24kg
15 Wall Balls 20/14
Run 400M


Do It versus Try It

It’s funny how quickly two little words can bring a person up or pull them down. I really shouldn’t let other people get into my head, but sometimes I just can’t help it. And the problem is, most of the time, they’re not trying to do anything other than be supportive.

Here’s what I’ve learned. There’s two very distinct coaching patterns when it comes to workouts and Crossfit. You have the coaches that say “try this” and the coaches that say “do this.” I know, I know, it doesn’t sound like a big difference, but it can be defeating when you know you’re doing your best and someone comes up to you and says “do it.”

When I hear a coach say “do it,” what I really hear is, “Do this now. You need to be quicker. Push yourself. Why haven’t you accomplished this yet?” Do you know how intimidating it can be to have every person in your class watching as you try to get up into a handstand and can’t, especially when you just did one 30 seconds ago but the coach missed it? Now with tired arms, all you can think about is everyone seeing you fail.

It’s frustrating. It’s probably the reason I never enjoy any of those boot camp classes with coaches yelling at you. I don’t need someone to push me, I need someone to encourage me, not single me out so everyone knows.

Try the words “try it.” You’ll be so surprised how differently it feels to hear those words. There’s no pressure, just a suggestion. A suggestion that as a competitive person, I almost always take. Yes, I will try that pull-up/heavier back squat/handstand push-up. 

“Try” is such a strong word. It’s empowering. It’s putting the end result in my hands, not the coach’s hands.

Am I the only one who feels this way? What other words, phrases, terms, make you a stronger athlete? Which ones make you feel weaker?

Fashion, Fitness

May Wantable Fitness Unboxing Video

Since starting Crossfit, I’ve been having a hard time finding workout clothes that I like. What I’d normally wear to go running, doesn’t quite fit it for Crossfit, so I tried this subscription surface called Wantable. I heard mixed reviews, some ladies loved it, some hated it.

You’re basically hiring a stylist to select clothes for you, then using that payment ($20) to purchase new workout clothes. I didn’t fall in love with anything, but I certainly found a few items that I liked.

I think my biggest frustration was that I ordered it mid-month and didn’t receive my box until today, June 1. I also asked for a colorful collection, but most of what I received was dark, black, or grey. I see all these boxes with bright colors and I feel like I got duped.

Anyway, I do want to try it again next month, give it one more go. Since I do like a few of the items, I’m not completely throwing in the towel. I do need more workout clothes since I’m going a few times a week, so I think it’s worth it to get a few more pieces.

If your curious about Wantable, try it out and let me know what you think. You can sign up here (click), take a short quiz about your style preferences, and pay the $20. Yes, if you don’t buy anything, you’ll lose your $20, but then might I suggest only doing this if you’re really sure you want to buy something. I had items that were $38 dollars in my edit. Not bad, and affordable. So I think it’s a good test for a subscription of this type for fitness wear.

And if you’re still not sure, watch my unboxing video below:

My May Fitness Wantable Box

(Preferences I mentioned in my styling quiz)
Loved: lowest prices, bright colors, pants, tops, “In the Gym” clothes
Liked/On the Fence: Neutral colors, hoodies/jackets, “Running” clothes
Dislike/Don’t Want: Undergarments, medium or high priced items, “Yoga” clothes

What I got in my order:
Climawear Waist Control Berry Pink Space Dye Capri – $38*
Mono B Capri Workout Leggings – $46
Mono B Cardio Tank – $38*
Pink Lotus Get Down Lace Inset Tank – $35
Colosseum Wince Training Capri Blossom – $69*

*Items I’m considering buying. P.S. The lace top looked ridiculous on, and the space dye pants are super high on the waist (but comfy).

How Wantable Works:
Spend $20 for a personalized fitness edit. Wantable sends you five articles of clothing, you pay for only what you want. Your $20 is used toward any purchase you make. Buy everything, save 30% off your order. Buy 3-4 items, save 20%.


Front Squats and Infinite Burpees

Andy was not too happy with me this morning. At 5:15 a.m., I rolled over and let him know we had to get dressed and head out the door. After a few complaints, a mention or two that he didn’t sign up for this kind of torture this early in the day, and finally putting on his shoes, we left for the first Crossfit class of the day.

I was amped. I couldn’t believe that Andy had actually gotten out of bed (when he goes to class, it’s always at night). I am not a morning person, by any means, but if it means I need to be chipper to get him to go with me, then I’ll pretend to be a morning person.

So we went. The warm up was fairly easy, some Monster Walks with bands, then some squats. Not bad at all. (Should have been a sign.)

Then we did some stretching, and some front squats. Patty was super supportive today despite her back hurting her a bit and not wanting to go too big on the weight. (I was grateful to go slow.) She worked with me up to a 100 pound front squat. You’ll notice our little 2.5 “cookies” on the ends. Hey, if I can’t really see them, they must not weigh anything, right?

And then I watched Andy in his group, do a 225 lb front squat. What?!?! Where did that come from? I’m so proud of you, hun. SO much weight and you haven’t been in a bit. So proud to see you front squat the big weights!

The hard part was the WOD. I got stuck in a burpee loop. It was supposed to be 20 wall balls, 20 push jerks. But every 90 seconds we had to do 8 burpees. Let’s just say that I flew through the first set of wall balls, first set of push jerks, and another set of wall balls, then got stuck. You see, when you’re slow at burpees, you don’t have enough time to finish your set, then get back to the main workout. We were supposed to do four rounds. Needless to say, I only got 2 (rounds) + 2 (reps). I tried. I really did.

But I hear tomorrow is handstand pushups!! So I’m hoping I make it to class.
