Food, Savory

Baked Sweet Potato Fries


Our oven doesn’t work and I want to eat some baked sweet potato fries.

Yes, you read that correctly. Our oven doesn’t work. Every time we preheat it, the temperature drops 200 degrees the moment you open the oven and then can’t climb back to the optimum temperature for another 30 minutes (if we’re lucky). It’s been driving me crazy. I can’t bake any cookies or cakes.

So when I decided to follow the sweet potato trend, I pulled a Tim Gunn and made it work.

Luckily our broiler works. So I put the broiler on low and let that warm up. I peeled the sweet potatoes and the cut them into half inch pieces. Tossed them in a dash of olive oil, black pepper, sea salt, and garlic powder. I baked them for 12 minute, turned them over, and then baked another 12 minutes until they got a light char on them.

They actually came out crispy, and I’m so glad I made them!

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