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Fitness, Health

Two Miles to Maybe Half Marathon?

A few days ago Andy told me we were doing a Half Marathon. Yes, he TOLD me. Apparently my husband thinks I truly enjoy torturing myself.

After I stopped arguing with him, I took a few days to think about it. And I reconsidered it … a bit. I decided that it wouldn’t be horrible to at least do the training part. Maybe I won’t sign up for an actual half marathon race, but maybe I can start running again. So today, I ran two miles. Two miles in 25 sweat-drenched minutes. Two miles of why-did-I-ever-stop-running questions racing through my head.

A few years ago, I was in the best shape of my life. I was coming off of a break up, eating better, and spending a lot of time in the gym on treadmills and ellipticals. At that time, I had set myself a goal to run 365 miles in a year. A mile a day.

It wasn’t bad at all. I would run two, three, sometimes four miles at a time to “bank” miles. So when I went away for vacation, I wouldn’t have to find time to run if I couldn’t. And I hit my goal, all well within my time limit.

Running gave me more than I thought it would. It was a personal therapy session every day where I could tune out all the horrible thoughts in my head. It let me focus on the task at hand. In turn, I got a stronger body and mind.

But after that year, I stopped. I let life get in the way. I let the typical “when you get comfortable in a relationship you get fat” story come true. I gave up on myself when I should have reminded myself to stay strong, give myself my needed therapy runs and stop eating like I was still running every day.

So I’m hoping if I force myself to “train” for this magical half marathon, that maybe I can feel better about myself – both mentally and physically. So today was day one. Yikes.

Life In General, Uncategorized

It’s Been Awhile

It seems that I’ve gotten a little busy. Okay, a lot busy. And I’ve completely neglected my blog, my love for writing, cooking, working out regularly, and pretty much anything that doesn’t include work.

Sometimes when life throws a lot at you, you tend to put things on the sideline. Things that mean a lot to you, but you forget they mean a lot to you. Like something as simple as making breakfast. For the last year I have basically “forgotten” to eat breakfast every morning. I used to wake up early, make myself a breakfast (even if it’s just a couple of eggs), maybe workout a bit, and then start my day. I miss that.

Which is why I spent a few days fighting the Internet to figure out how to log back into my blog. Yes, I locked myself out. That’s how long it’s been.

But now that I’m in, I’m hoping I can keep myself accountable. Maybe log some workouts. Maybe share how I am balancing getting real meals into my system every day while we spend 12 plus hours a day running our new store. (Yes, we FINALLY opened a brick and mortar store!!)

We will see where this goes. And if anyone is listening, that’s even better. Help me track some goals, eat better, make better decisions, and find myself again.


Twice Baked Cheesy Sweet Potatoes

I keep forgetting to post the recipe for these cheesy sweet potatoes, which is crazy, because it was soooo good and super easy to make!

We were making food for the SuperBowl and I wanted to make something healthy considering we had the deep fryer out and Andy was putting just about anything he could find in it. So I grabbed our leftover sweet potatoes and thought I’d bake them. Well, I baked them. Then I baked them again and added cheese. So they were kind of healthy. I mean, they were baked after all. Right??

They even were good the next day. All I did was pop them in the oven for a bit to reheat them and they were good to go. If you want them even more creamy, you can add a bit of butter when making the stuffing.

Twice Baked Cheesy Sweet Potatoes

4 Large Sweet Potatoes
1/4 Cup of Milk
1 Cup of Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Cayenne Pepper
Garlic Powder

Preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Pierce each sweet potato with a knife, then line on a baking sheet and cook for 45 minutes. Allow potatoes to cool so you can scoop out the insides.

Carefully slice potatoes in half lengthwise. Then, using a spoon, carefully scoop out the insides of the sweet potatoes without breaking the skins and place insides in a bowl. Place skins back on baking sheet.

In bowl, add milk, 1/2 teaspoon of each pepper, salt, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. (You may adjust seasoning to your liking.) Stir to combine. Add half of the cheese and stir once more to combine.

Scoop mixture back into potato skins, then top with remaining cheese. Place back into oven for 15-20 minutes or until cheese is melted and browned.

Remove from cooking sheet and serve.

Beauty, Fitness

Best Deal: Hum Nutrition Supplements and Savings

I have horrible nails and thin hair, and it’s not uncommon for me to be taking biotin to help strengthen my hair and nails. But lately I’ve felt like I can’t find anything that works really as strongly as I’d like. Letting myself go lately has certainly added to that. So while I was on a mission to get myself back on track, I stumbled upon a company called Hum Nutrition Supplements.

I instantly fell in love. It’s probably from all the colorful labels, maybe from the fact that it was interactive to start with, or perhaps just the fact that their mission statement spoke to me:

“Hum’s mission is simple: to become the best beauty nutrition business in the world. We achieve this by connecting you with a free personal nutritionist, who will review your information to create your free personal profile and products that are rooted in science. Depending on your needs, our nutritionists suggest micro nutrients that help you support your health & beauty goals. All this happens online and to make your life easier, we ship personalized vitamins, minerals and botanicals right to your doorstep.  “

They’re high quality supplement, yes. Free shipping over $50, ummm, yup. Personalized order. Thank you! Gluten Free and GMO Free, great! But the BEST part, was saving money. I got $30 worth of supplements for just $8 AND that included my shipping. So I’m really not complaining when I say I now have 3 months of high quality supplements for less than 1 bottle!


  • Take the Quiz: Click “Get Started.” You’ll get a code (HUM10) to save $10 on your order after finishing the quiz AND get a personalized suggestion list emailed to you the next day.
  • Use my code FDDB5 to save another $10 on your order.
  • THEN, make sure you have three items in your cart and you’ll save 25% on your whole order!
  • If you spend over $50, you’ll also get free shipping.

So for me, I purchased three of Hum’s Killer Nails biotin supplements ($10 each). Three meant 25% off, so $30 went to 22.50. Then I used code HUM10 for an additional $10 off (we’re down to $12.50), and then another code (use code FDDB5) for an additional $10 off ($2.50!!!). Adding shipping in because I wasn’t over $50, brought my total to $8.45.

I can’t even get one bottle at Walgreens for that price. Each bottle has 30 capsules (a 1 month supply), so I got THREE months for $8.45.

Feel free to share the savings, try them out, and let me know what you think!

