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De-Colorfy Yourself – Post Color Run Tips

Today, I survived the Color Run for the second year in a row. It’s mostly uphill at the Loudon Speedway, but it’s fun and fairly easy. The only problem is you come home colored like you dove into a rainbow of paint. See exhibit A:

Color Run Tips

And when you wash it off, most of the colors come off. But the blue. Well, let’s talk about the blue. It doesn’t really come off. It makes you look like you’re turning into a Smurf. Soap did nothing for me. But I found a solution, and it was kind of by accident. St. Ives Even and Bright Pink Lemon and Mandarin Orange Scrubworked like magic. I didn’t even have to rub it into my skin that hard and off came all of the blue. In a few minutes, you wouldn’t have even known I had been through the Color Run. So that’s one of my Color Run tips for you.

Color Run Tips

My other Color Run tips:

  • Wear sunglasses, even if it’s not sunny – You’ll be thankful you won’t get the powder in your eyes.
  • Bring garbage bags and a change of clothes – So your car won’t be rainbow-ed, put your dirty clothes in the bag and wear clean clothes home.
  • Leave your phone in the car – Unless you have a Ziplock bag or a speciality case, that powder is going RUIN your phone. It’s not worth it. You can take “after” pictures when you get back to the car and The Color Run also has photo stations.