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Top 10 Books I NEED To Read Before 2015 Ends

Let’s be honest, I have a hard time sitting down and reading a book. When I was little, my grandmother would bring me to the library, I’d fill up my canvas bag with as many as I could, and we’d go home. I’d spend the morning curled up in the big blue recliner by the corner window and read them cover to cover.

When I was in high school, I volunteered at that same library, working after school (and even “interning” there my senior year). In college, my work study was in the library, working everything from the reference desk to front desk, and even cataloguing books. I basically lived there and read a ton.

Now, I’m a lost puppy when it comes to books. I get so wrapped up in everything that I don’t sit down in a quiet spot and just decompress and read. I need to do it. I need to relax. So my one resolution that I hope I keep this year is to read as many books as I can. And these, my friends, are the top 10 books I have on my hit list.

Please give me more suggestions in the comments! Thanks!

1. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

I saw the movie and I have to say, my jaw was dropped most of the way through it. I can’t imagine how much detail was left out (you know, that whole book-to-movie transition), so I’m on a mission to read this before the year is out. Continue Reading
