The Unexpected Potty Training Hack - Roni's Blog
Before my two adorable munchkins came into my life, I was chasing miles on the pavement. These days, however, I’m chasing a different kind of milestone. While those runs gave me the thrill of an accomplished mile, nothing quite matches the exhilaration of seeing my son, F, achieve a new “big boy” milestone. Potty training, as most parents would know, is a journey in itself. We’ve tried it all. From the fancy potty seats that fit snugly on the big toilets to the colorful, toddler-friendly standalone potties. But F, with his typical toddler charisma, was far from impressed or motivated. Until a serendipitous moment at Target turned things around. My husband was searching for Hot Wheels for F when a lady told him how she had used them to work on potty training with her little on. F is obsessed with cars. So obsessed. Anything with wheels gets him all riled up. So we thought, “why not?” Each successful potty run would get him a car. To say it worked would be an understatement. Within two days, eight shiny cars had found their way from the basket to F’s collection. But the cherry on top? We went apple picking yesterday […]