My Favorite Things - When I'm Sick - Roni's Blog
Sometimes I wonder if when I take medication, if it’s really making me feel better. Because when I took my doctor-prescribed medications over the weekend and today, I have moments where I just feel worse. Like my body has just realized it’s actually sick. So I’ve tried to trick my body into thinking it’s not so uncomfortable with some of my favorite things, like the following. This is the basic list of my go-to items that always make me feel better. What’s yours? Junk Food When I’m really feeling sick – and it doesn’t matter if I have strep throat or my throat is scratchy from coughing all day – all I want to do is binge eat food that’s bad for me. Sometimes, I’m not even hungry, but I think when I was little I used to find comfort in chocolate pudding, cookies, and macaroni and cheese. So anything remotely sugary usually ends up in my belly. It’s about the only sure fire way to tell that I’m sick is if you catch me with a chocolate chip cookie or Boston Cream Pie doughnut in my hand. Also, frozen S’more Pop-Tarts are the best thing in the world. Disney […]