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How To Like Your Body More, Right Now

feel good

There will always be doubt. A dress won’t fit, you’ll be jealous of a friend’s weight loss success, or you’re just feeling down. There so many ways to love yourself more right now, and while this is not a complete list, it’s a start. And most of it is way easier than you think. These are the things that get me through the tough times.

Positive Reinforcement

Make your brain believe that you’re happy with what you have. That might mean putting a Post-It note on your mirror that says “I’m beautiful.” It sounds cheesy, but if you keep telling yourself that, you will start to feel it. Every body is different, and looking at Hollister skinny models isn’t a good guide to what the best you will look like.

Wear Clothes That Fit

And I mean actually fit your body. Stop wearing clothes that tent you. You have no idea how many times I’m helping a client when I’m working retail and they say they want the large and I know they’re a medium. I pull both and make them try both on. Why? Because you’re not doing yourself any good wearing a tent, you make yourself look bigger. If you’re a woman, show your curves, accept your body. You can look good and feel good so long as you know what to do. Long necklaces elongate the body, don’t wear bulky layers, and belts are your best friend. Seriously. A good stylist won’t put you in something two sizes too big for you.

Watch TV

Well, I don’t mean grab a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and sit on the couch watching reruns of Sex & the City. I mean watch shows that encourage healthy living, and if you want to do a few crunches or walk in place, even better. I’ve found that when I watch The Biggest Loser, all I want to do is workout, eat healthy, and be like the contestants. They’re motivated. They have struggles like I do, and they feel better about themselves by the end of the show. Granted they make a ton of money if they win, but getting in shape is a prize in itself. And if that’s not your cup of tea, there are plenty of workout guides to pair with your favorite TV show, like The Walking Dead workout. Are you a mom and have to watch Disney movies, guess what? There’s a workout for you, too. My new favorite, the Psych workout because you really wouldn’t stop moving. I have a Pinterest board here: CLICK to see them.

Listen to Music

Positive upbeat music. And sometimes Skrillex. I have this belief that humans were intended to dance and that we can’t live without music. It’s a personal belief, but think about it. When we listen to upbeat tunes, we get a little upbeat, too. Especially if we’re singing along and dancing. make the mind feel better, and you’ll start to feel better about yourself.

Highlight Your Best Attribute

We all have one thing we’re very proud of on our bodies. Even if you everything else seems to be falling apart, you still get compliments on it. For some, it’s your eyes. Other’s it’s your danty feet. Some, it’s their butt. No matter what it is, embrace it. Find that one quality that you love about yourself and use that as a starting point to finding other aspects you love. Take a look in the mirror and find the good. Don’t pull out the parts you don’t like, but truly take some time, stand in front of your mirror and find the qualities you love. And embrace them.


Sure, easier said than done. But there’s been plenty of studies that say exercise elevates your mood. Hello, anyone ever watch Legally Blonde? Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy. Twenty minutes, three days a week can do a world of difference in how you feel both about yourself and the world around you. Plus the workout will help you stay fit.

Be Grateful

If there’s one thing I learned over the last year, it’s that being grateful for what you have can enormously elevate your mood. Stop saying, “I’m too weak to run a 5K” and say “Yes, I’m grateful that I can walk a mile.” Your body is your best tool and if you don’t look at what you do have, you’ll only see what you don’t have. Be grateful you even made it to the gym, not that you feel bad that you couldn’t stay for a whole hour. It’s one of the easiest ways to change your mood, but one of the easiest things to forget along the journey.

Fitness, Health

Reasons You (and I) Are NOT Losing Weight

 Losing Weight

I am clearly not an expert on nutrition, but if I’ve learned anything in the last two years, it’s the following 8 things. I’ve learned more, but these have been key factors in if my waistline balloons or diminishes, or at least what I’ve noticed.

1. Not Drinking Enough Water

Simple enough, drink water. But for some reason when I look back on my day, I’ve had maybe one glass. The key is remembering that half the time you’re not hungry when reaching for that bag of trail mix sitting in your desk drawer, you’re just dehydrated. Having two coffees in the morning or a can of soda doesn’t replace the water you need to hydrate, either. And the added calories from that soda, an unwelcomed friend. Keep a water bottle next to your desk and every time you want to snack, grab a few sips of water instead and see how you feel in 15 minutes.

2. Walking to the Store/Coffee Shop/Drug store on Your Break Isn’t Enough

It’s a start. Instead of taking the car for a 30 second drive, you walk the 5-10 minutes to grab your lunch for work. That’s a great way to get off your butt, but it’s not enough. Add in 30 minutes of heart-pumping, sweat-inducing excercise in your daily routine and you’ll start to see results. Burn calories with a run, some spin, a 30-minute Richard Simmons VHS, or even a hike with a friend. If you’re sweating, it’s working.

3. You Buy Groceries When You’re Hungry

I’ve done this a million times, then wonder how the cookies came home with me. When you’re starving, that bag of potato chips (baked or not) looks mighty fine and somehow made it’s way into the cart. Your hunger helps you justify the purchase. Whoops. Opening the bag on the way home to snack on a few isn’t helping the waistline either.Turns out all those foods you’ve been avoiding are hard to miss when you’re walking the aisles for dinner. Don’t do it.

4. You Don’t Eat Breakfast

Even Dr. Oz says a morning meal is your best ally. A big breakfast instead of a big dinner helps your body take advantage of its natural metabolic cycle. So go big breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner – calorie-wise, that is.

5. You Don’t Eat Enough

Sure, the calorie tracker says if you want to lose 2 lbs a week that 1,200 calories a day is enough. Well, to be frank, if you’re excercising daily burning an additional 200-400 calories a day, you’re starving yourself. Fuel your body, just don’t over do it. And if you don’t eat the minimum, you’re body will go into starvation mode, meaning it will hold on to all that fat you’re trying to lose.

6. You’re Sleep Deprived

Working two jobs, trying to balance friends and family, while getting the house clean, planning meals, and trying to find time to workout can be exhausting. But if your body is worn out, you won’t be able to do any of those things and your body will actually increase your appetite, making you gain weight. Yikes!

7.Your Partner Isn’t On Board

Wondering why you’re gaining weight when you have a boyfriend? Could be that their unhealthy habits are rubbing off on you. It’s super hard to say no to that extra slice of Domino’s pizza when they’re eating it, too. The buddy system can actually keep you in check. If they’re hitting the gym with you, instead of encouraging you to sleep in, you’re more likely to keep up the healthy habits.

8. You Don’t Track Your Food

I’m totally guilty of this one. The moment I stop tracking my food, my calorie intake skyrockets. One cookie turns into four cookies, and I just put sour cream on my taco and extra cheese because I’m not measuring my food. It’s super easy to add an extra 500 calories a day without even noticing. (and the app) have been super helpful for me.


Run, Run, Roni

Last year, I kicked 2014’s butt with a goal to run 365 miles before the end of the year. And I killed it. Throw in four different 5Ks races over the course of the summer and fall, and it certainly made it more entertaining. So this year, I didn’t make a goal to run a certain number of miles, but I did make a promise with one of my girlfriends to get in as much hiking time as we can and a few 5Ks races to stay fit. At the top of my list are these three runs.

5K Races

The Children’s Museum 5K – Dover, NH

Not only is it close to home, it’s also for a place that is dear to my friend Ren’s heart. She’s a sucker for their fun children’s exhibits (honestly, I can’t blame her), and the run isn’t too bad. We rocked it last year (all without getting trampled on), so it’s a definite. Let’s see if we can get a race number under 100 again.

5K Races

The Color Run – Loudon, NH

Another run we enjoyed last year. Well, except for having to run uphill on pavement. The NH Speedway isn’t exactly the best place for a 5K. We did get to rock some sweet tutus and a rainbow of paint, though. And I’m all up for sprinting through clouds of dust again.

5K Races

Mudderella – Boston, MA

A new one that Ren stumbled upon. We’re not exactly Tough Mudder material, but if you’re going to theme it with obstacles named “Skinny Jeans,” “Bad Date Escape,” and “Dirty Downward Dog,” we might actually have a chance. Plus they have a workout plan that seems easy enough to follow.

Have another area run we should check out? Leave me a message in the comments!

Fitness, Health

The Hardest 20 Miles

For some reason, when I hit 300 miles, I thought ending my goal would be a piece of cake. What’s 65 miles at that point? Like a walk in the park, right?

I was so wrong. I’m 20 miles – COUNT IT – 20 miles from my final goal of hitting 365 miles in 2013. Every time I go to run, I hit a mile and think, “I’ll do two tomorrow.” I take a day off and then go for a run and do two miles. “Tomorrow I’ll do three. Just do a quick 5K.”

It feels like my body is rebelling. It can smell the pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving, knows it’s getting colder and would rather curl up with a hot chocolate coated in a layer of whipped cream, and dreams of warm blankets and afternoons watching movies.

Please tell me this happens to everyone else. I started this year so strong, and I’m having a few moments of weakness. I’m up a few pounds and no matter how hard I tell myself I worked for this, I’m still slacking.

Looking for words of encouragement or advice. If you’ve got some, please share. Thanksgiving and Christmas are around the corner. So much food, so little time.
