Food, Savory

Quick Spicy Pork and Rice

Spicy Pork and Rice

Every day at lunch, I make the same thing. Hard to believe, right? But it’s true. I dice up a cucumber, dice up a few Roma tomatoes, and grill some chicken. Then I toss it all together with a bit of Parmesan dressing and call it a day.

It’s a cheap lunch, but it’s boring after you’ve eaten it five days in a row. So the other day when I would normally go to the meat counter and ask for a single piece of chicken, I decided instead to make a go at the packaged meat to see what was there, and what was cheap.

I lucked out and found a small package of pork – diced up and scheduled to be eaten with someone’s stir fry. Instead, it was coming home with me as well as some white rice and a package of McCormick Grill Mates Montreal Chicken seasoning. I have some green pepper and some cherry tomatoes to go with and and headed headed out to cook.

Now I know what you’re thinking, Roni, that’s chicken seasoning. Well, no, not really. That’s how they’re marketing it. It’s really just garlic, salt, paprika, red pepper, and some other seasonings. None which are only allowed to be on chicken. I wanted spicy pork, and so be it, I was going to get spicy pork.

So I moderately seasoned the pork, cooked it with the green peppers, then tossed it with the diced tomatoes, and cooked white rice. Surprisingly easy, and divine.

Quick Spicy Pork and Rice

1/2 pound of diced pork (shoulder or butt)
McCormick Grill Mates Montreal Chicken Seasoning
1/4 green pepper, diced
3/4 of a cup of halved cherry tomatoes
1 cup of Minute Rice

In a medium-sized pan, cook pork seasoned with spice blend. Add diced green peppers to pan and cook. It is important that the meat is not all stuck together in one clump, otherwise, it won’t brown. The meat needs room. Cook meat until it is no longer pink and cooked through.

Cook rice. (I like to use the Minute Ready to Serve White Rice in the single serving packages.) Toss rice with tomatoes and cooked green peppers and spicy pork. Enjoy!

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