Food, Sweet

Peep Fruit Kebabs

Fruit Peep Kebabs | How to get rid of those extra Peeps

So my brother decided to help me with my Easter blog post. And he also decided we needed to do something with the pink Peeps he got in his Easter basket, create something sweet, but different – Peep Fruit Kebabs.

So following three mini Easter egg hunts, a game of catch, and lounging in the spring sun, we tackled the fruit and Peep pile in the kitchen. A few slices here, arrange them in a pretty order, top with a Peep, and there you go! Side dish!

Kinda cute, not going to lie.

Peep Fruit Kebabs

Sliced cantaloupe
Sliced orange pieces
Kebab skewers

Slice fruit into bite-sized pieces, but keep grapes whole. Example, take a peeled orange, separate slices, then quarter each slice. Fill a kebab skewer with fruit, alternating variety, then top with a Peep. Simple, easy, fun for the kids. And you can totally swap out the fruit for others you like, perhaps kiwi?


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1 Comment

  • Reply Gloria April 20, 2014 at 7:08 pm

    put the peeps in the microwave and watch them grow as they warm up!

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