Fitness, Health

I’m Not A Machine: Eating Healthy Has Its Limits

I’m proud of my progress so far this year. I’ve lost a significant amount of weight, especially for my height. A grand total of 20 pounds (give or take the day) since the beginning of the year. I’m only 5’4″. Most of this is in part of eating healthy.

I need to keep telling myself that this is an accomplishment, because not everyone has been supportive. In every life situation, there will be haters. Don’t let them get you down. For the most part, people have been really great, but there are a few that have made me feel like my progress has been not a great accomplishment. The reason I say this is that it takes a lot to not only start a journey like this, but to continue it through the doubt. There will be moments when weight won’t come off, when people are jealous and make you feel down, and then there will be times that you gain back the weight. It’s ok. It’s part of the process.

And I don’t want anyone to think that I’m always eating healthy and I’m a machine. I do my best, but I’m not perfect. I’m human like everyone else. It’s the small choices that make a difference, though.

Like when I craved a cookie the other night. It’s 140 calories for a Soft Bake Milk Chocolate Cookie from Pepperidge Farm. That’s a lot of calories for one cookie, but I wanted it. I’m not going to deny myself some sugar, but in the process, I’m going to try to add a healthy choice in the mix. Instead of having two cookies, which totally could have happened, I forced myself to eat some broccoli to fill my stomach and halt any additional cravings. Broccoli is low in calories, filling, and full of vitamins.

See, I need sugar just as much as the next person. Those cravings can’t be hidden forever, but they can be dwindled. I’ve been a savory eater my entire life, but sometimes I want some chocolate. I just don’t want to over do it. So the next time you’re craving a box of Thin Mints, take a moment to think about it. How about just one cookie to quell that cravings, and then eat something nutritious to supplement more of those cookies?

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