
EverProven Crossfit – Day 1 1.6.15


That, my friends, is my scared face. Day one of Crossfit, but, I survived my workout at EverProven. I had faith that Andy wasn’t going to kill me, and surprise, I made it! I also think I need to work on pushing myself, because I wasn’t sweating by the end of the workout and wasn’t sore… well, I wasn’t sore until an hour later when I couldn’t peel myself out from the couch.

But I do think I’m going to like Crossfit. Not for the reasons that I think Andy would like me to like it. I’m not fond of the weights yet, and the warmups are hard. What I actually like is the competition.

I know, I shouldn’t be competing against anyone but myself. But it’s my nature. I like to win. Which means during the WOD (workout of the day), I’m pushing myself as best I can to beat the time.

And I was super proud that during my first class Abby and I weren’t last. I know it was my first class, but I wanted so bad to get as close to finish as possible. We had to do 5 rounds of 14 calories rowing, 40 wall balls, 40 dips – splitting it each round. (So Abby did 7 calories rowing, then I did 7 calories, then she did 20 wall balls, then I did 20 wall balls, etc.) We were 14 wall balls and 40 dips away from completing the time in 15 minutes. So.. 4 rounds + 40 reps. Woot!

Andy did great, too! Was super close to finishing as well.

Everproven Crossfit WOD 1.6.15


Workout 1.6.14


EMOM (Every Minute on the minute) x 6
3 Burpees
6 Air Squats
High Knees Down/back pedal back


Instructors Choice x 6 min


Review the Mechanics of the Deadlift in a large group… ready go style. Use a PVC pipe or unloaded bar.
Pause in each position while coach reviews body placement and makes the proper adjustments for correct moment.
Also take a few min to quickly review each position of the TGU in a large group with a shoe or water bottle balanced on a fist in place of weight


EMOM x 12
Evens – 5 Deadlifts – Climbing Across all sets
Odds – 1 TGU/Side – Use an appropriate KB or DB that allows for proper technique


5 Rounds for time with a partner. Switch at the halfway point on all movements. 18 min time cap.
14 Cal Row OR 6 Cal Assault Bike
40 Wall Balls 20/14
40 Dips


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