Fashion, Life With Kids

Bonjour – Babies Onesie

It’s been a long time since I’ve designed something. So I was pleasantly surprised when one of my girlfriends said she had a baby shower needed help designing an invitation for (not her, but she’s hosting it for her friend who has a bun in the oven). I was so excited. We chatted about designs, colors for the shower, and I finished up a few variations for her. I’ll show you all a version after she has the baby shower because I don’t want to spoil any surprises, but let me tell you, it was pretty darn cute.

I also learned a brand new term – new to me, anyway. Sprinkle. No, not the rainbow colored candies you put on your ice cream. She kept telling me her friend was having a sprinkle. Is that some new term for a baby? Turns out it just means the mommy-to-be has already had a baby and this is the second or third, or whatever. Get it, a smaller shower.. just a sprinkle .. of rain. SOO cute!


Anyway, you’re probably wondering what that has to do with onesie with “bonjour” on it. Well, it was inspired by me trying to come up with some baby clothing ideas. Mostly, what would I want to buy someone for their baby shower (or sprinkle). The pink and blue tulle-covered onesies are so overdone. I’m quite a fan of the more thoughtful ones or out of the ordinary, like these:

Chemistry Baby

Chemistry Boys Science Onesie for Baby - Blue


Baby Cardigan

Baby Cardigan Onesie and Bowtie, Baby, Little Man Outfit, First Birthday Party, Baby's First Pictures


Or for the Bio-Major, Insect and Plant-Inspired

Custom, hand-drawn onesiesIf you like the one I designed, check it out here: Click.



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